Here at Conies HQ we are reading with interest the latest progress report on the Government’s Road Safety Statement.
In December 2015, the Government published its Road Safety Statement, setting out its vision, values and priorities to bring down the numbers of people killed and injured on our roads. In June it let us all know how it was doing against its targets.
You can sum up our reaction as:
“Good, but could do better.”
Firstly, the good bits. We applaud the progress being made on driver safety, especially on the toughening of penalties against those who use mobile phones while driving. We’ve all seen the high-profile cases of mobile phone use leading to horrific crashes and we think that increasing fines against offenders will help protect children, both as passengers and pedestrians.
We’ve long been supporters of walking and cycling and that’s why we are also pleased to see the government agree plans for investment in safer cycling and walking infrastructure. Great that it will also spend some time and money in persuading people out of the car.
However, we are frustrated by the lack of progress in implementing 20mph speed limits in appropriate areas. The progress report claims that it is ‘in progress’ and a report is due to be published later in 2018. There is clear evidence that 20 mph speed limits help save children’s’ lives, so we are puzzled why there has been no progress in this area and no definite date set for when the Governments report is due. Why the delay?
The Conies will continue to campaign and inform to help keep our children safe on the streets especially around schools. We welcome the progress made, but key areas need to be addressed. And quickly.
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